What Are Human Rights?
Who has them and where did they come from? What can YOU do about human rights? What are WE doing across borders to protect and guarantee peoples' human rights?
Come head Sandra Alvarez speak about the international human rights system and how communities caught in the crossfire of violence in Columbia are fighting for their rights. The Peace Community of San José de Apartado and the U'wa people of Columbia are two communities working to stay on their land and avoid joining the four million people who have been forced out of their homes. Despite millions of dollars in military aid from the US and a half century of conflict, these communities, with the support and solidarity of activists around the world, are building peaceful alternatives.
Wednesday April 1, 2009
12:45 PM to 2:45 PM
Cañada College Main Theatre
4200 Farm Hill Blvd, Redwood City, CA 94061
Sandra Alvarez, the daughter of Columbian immigrants, has worked on Columbia peace and justice organizing and activism for over ten years. She is currently pursuing a PhD in Politics from the University of California at Santa Cruz and remains active as a volunteer with Mujer U'wa and the U'wa Defense Project in addition to her advisory work with the Fellowship of Reconciliation's Columbia Program.
For more information contact Yolanda Valenzuela, 306-3206,
valenzuelay@smccd.eduHere are a few videos to get you thinking about the issues
that will be discussed at this presentaiton:
7 August 2001
The U'wa have a unique relationship with their surroundings -- one which environmentalists hold up as an ideal of man's interaction with nature.
U'wa - The last guardians of the world
A small indigenous population in Columbia, fighting for their survival against the oil industry as they are caught in the crossfire of war being waged between army, paramilitary, and guerillas.