Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Read this great poem by Persian mystic Hafiz!

Compliments of the Season from your friends at Cañada College Library

A Great Need

Of a great need
We are all holding hands
And climbing.
Not loving is a letting go.
The terrain around here
Far too

Hafiz, c. 1320 to 1389

Monday, November 17, 2008

Canada College Library now has access to JSTOR!

The Cañada College Library has just added JSTOR to our growing list of searchable databases available to students for on and off-campus use.

JSTOR is a multidisciplinary full-text searchable database used at colleges and universities around the world, providing articles from thousands of sources.

We proudly welcome this addition to the numerous databases offered to our students.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Canned Food Drive for Canada College Students in Need

The Associated Students of Canada College have organized a Thanksgiving Food Drive to collect food for our own students in need. Please try to donate some canned products, beans, rice, pastas, sauces, canned soups, peanut butter, jams, powdered milk, coffee or non-perishable food items(no expired food, please.)

Raid your pantry or buy something extra the next time you go food shopping. The Library has a purple donation collection box in front of the Circulation Desk, so drop off your donations next time you come to the Library. In fact, you can also drop off your food items at the Learning Center, Bookstore, Counseling Center, Cafeteria, or Building 22. What could be easier and more rewarding than knowing you're celebrating the spirit of the holidays by sharing with your fellow students and their families?!?

Students sign up online and can contact ASCC for more information at (650) 306-3453.

Thanksgiving is coming, so...

Why not go vegetarian? Come on, now: you've thought about it before, right? Now is the time.

Here's my thinking:

Last year I baked my first turkey, and I have to say the experience was revolting. I vowed as I rinsed off that huge carcass in my sink that I'd never eat meat again. That lasted about a day. Actually, I don't think it even lasted a day.

Here are two great books we own on topics related to being a vegetarian:

1. Animal liberation by Peter Singer HV4708.S56 1990

2. The fast food craze: wreaking havoc on our bodies and our animals by Tina Volpe TX360.U6 V64 2005

Research Help

Writing a big research paper this semester? The librarians at Cañada love to help students with every stage of the process.

Can't think of a topic? We can help you focus.

Can't find information? We can help you locate just what you need.

Can't figure out how to write your paper? We can help you get started.

Can't cite your sources? We can help you with cite anything!

Drop by anytime, or make an appointment: pattersond@smccd.edu

Take your clothes off at the Library!

We are collecting clean, warm clothing for low income and homeless families. Bring your donations to the Library. Our friends in the TRIO program will make sure they get to the Ecumenical Hunger Program's clothing closet in East Palo Alto. For more information, contact Emily at (650) 306-3384 or munsone@smccd.edu